Daily Fantasy Websites

Daily and Weekly fantasy websites have taken the fantasy sports world by storm. You've seen the commercials. You've heard friends talking about them. Now you want to try for yourself. I don't blame you. Try it once and you'll be hooked. Try it once and you'll stop caring as much about your "normal" fantasy leagues. Here is a list of the top daily fantasy websites. Click the links to start playing on each individual website.

Fanduel.com is the most well known of the daily fantasy websites and is a perfect place to start. It has a simple and elegant interface that makes it easy to pick your first team and be on your way to winning both money and bragging rights. Read More "Introduction to Fanduel."

Draft Street may not be as big as Fanduel and to be honest their interface is a bit more confusing, but it has a variety of ways to play daily fantasy sports that Fanduel does not. A friend of mine loves the style of play at DraftStreet and has completely abandoned Fanduel. Play a game and see for yourself. You may just love it too. Read More "Introduction to DraftStreet."

DraftKings is a Boston based company that hopes to compete with Fanduel.com and DraftStreet.com. They have taken a lot of what makes daily and weekly fantasy websites so much fun and tweaked it in a unique way. Read More "Introduction to DraftKings."

StarStreet.com isn't one of the big dogs on the daily and weekly fantasy block. At least not yet. My favorite part of StarStreet is the Pick Five option. They give you five choices of two players and you pick the one in each bracket that you think will perform the best. Sound simple? It ain't.


Photo Courtesy of Fanduel.com

 Chris Carney lives an avid fantasy life with "imaginary" friends named Brees, Peterson and Megatron. He writes about (and thoroughly enjoys) fantasy sports, Las Vegas and beer.

He's been published in Las Vegas Magazine, Inside Orlando Magazine, Nevada Magazine, About.com, AOL Travel, and Hard Rock Magazine.

 He is here to share his adventures, give advice and  tips and help you maximize your fun and profit on daily fantasy sites.  


Legal Disclaimer: Daily Fantasy Plays makes predictions based on available information. Use these projections at your own risk. Read up, research and play wisely. Daily Fantasy Plays is not responsible for your Daily Fantasy League losses. 

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